Friday, October 10, 2008

Praise the Cox Cable guy!

He fixed my internet! It's been in & out for at least a few weeks now. It took sacrificing a play date at the park to get him here, but now we can get online & actually get phone calls! I love the price of Vonage, but it sucks if the cable is out. I was able to forward the home phone to the cell phone but it's been acting funny the past few days too. Not in the funny "ha-ha" kind of way, either.

When the cable guy left I got a knock on the door not 30 seconds later. It was him again, letting me know Hayleah was out front. Great! Made me feel like a good mom, not knowing my 1 year old was outside....out herself. :( It's my fault for not telling the cable guy to lock the door each time he came in & out. Our front door sucks & won't shut completely so it has to be locked all the time.

She was safe, which is all that matters now. That & I learned a good lesson about her. I've known she's sneaky & slick for a while now....I now have a better idea exactly how good at it she can be. Thank goodness we go out there every morning & she knows to not step foot off the curb.

1 comment:

Perry Family said...

Yeah...that's happened to me just the other day. I was inside and Bryanna opened the gate while in the backyard, little maddox wandered out to the street...I almost had a heart attack! Thank goodness nothing happened with them or your little Hayley!

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