Sunday, July 20, 2008

Working on the colors

I'm SO not a vanilla kind of person. I love color! I've figured out how to alter the blog color, as you can see, & I found I really like brown & pink together. It's not what I started off with, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. This blog tweaking is fun stuff! :)

Church today went really well. The kids were much more well behaved than the last report. We managed to make it through most of Sacrament meeting before heading out for drinks & to set up the nursery. I'm still seriously considering putting Hayleah in another nursery. She does so well without me & I'm kind of worried she'll grow to need me in the nursery with her, like her brothers have, if she stays with me in there for too long.

Jordan wouldn't let me out of his sight until he was in Sunbeams. I was called to the nursery when he was 6 or 9 mo. old &, except for 1 year, have been in there since. Logan is very much the same way & I worry about him going on to Sunbeams in the new year.

Hayleah fusses for a few seconds & then finds something to entertain herself with (unlike her very stubborn brothers whom you cannot console when their mommy has "left" them). I think she'd do really well in another nursery but I'm hesitant because I really enjoy having her with me. I guess that's just me being selfish. Maybe this answers my question.....

We're headed for southern Cali. earlier than expected. I think we'll be leaving on Wednesday after Dave gets off of work. I "won" some tickets to Six Flags on Ebay late last week (don't ever buy them any other save SO much money going the Ebay route!) thinking we had plenty of time to get the tickets in the mail, but since our plans changed I'm thinking we won't get them until Tues. or Wed., which is a little too close for my comfort.

About Ebay....isn't it funny how you get all excited about "winning" an action, yet it's not like you actually won anything. You still have to pay for it. They did a great job marketing Ebay. I feel good about spending hard earned money, as long as I'm winning something. LOL

Here's a little photo manipulation I did. It was my first attempt, so not the greatest, but it was fun learning! :)

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