Today I also managed to steal some time to write in my journal. I've had it for a while now but haven't given much time to it lately. My sis-in-law, Steph, has tons of them she's put together as she studies the scriptures. She logs in her feelings & what she's learned & references & everything. I aspire to be so organized! LOL For now though I'll settle for a page or two every now & again.
I just finished the book of Moroni & the last two chapters are particularly significant & are very personal for me. I started off a few months ago reading the Book of Mormon from back to front (not literally....I started on Moroni & am working my way backwards by book, not by verse....that's a little too wild for me LOL) but started over again when I wanted to include some actual scripture study through the BOM study guide & my book on marking the scriptures. It's become a bit of a project but one I'm loving & I find I'm getting so much more out of the scriptures than just reading them as I normally would. I'm starting from back to front because when I start to read the scriptures I tend to get the most out of the beginning than any other part. I think it's because I'm so in to it, but after time I find I'm no longer studying them but just reading. I wanted to get more out of all of it this time so I thought I'd try it differently this time. I'll let you know how it far so good. :)
Dave is struggling with some things at work. He has a boss who doesn't care for him, which is making things harder. The guy is friends with an old boss of Dave's who he never got along with so I'm pretty sure this guy came in with an already formed opinion of my dear husband & isn't giving him much of a chance. His immediate manager is leaving for a promotion, which is making things that much harder. Change has always been difficult for Dave. Heck, I think change is difficult for everyone, but it seems to be more so with him. We had a good talk last night about putting faith in Heavenly Father that everything would work out the way it was meant to & letting go of some of the worry that brings him down so much. It's such a freeing thing to let go of your worries.
There was a lady at church this past Sunday who bore her testimony that said something I've heard before but never in an LDS church. She said "let go & let God". I think that's a common saying in other Christian churches & it was clear she was a fairly new convert, but her words couldn't be more true. To let go & give Heavenly Father the control you thought you had but He had all along is one of the best feelings ever. I hope that makes sense.
We spent all of Sacrament meeting in the hall that day. The kids were much noisier & crankier than normal, so it was best for everyone we stayed out there. Usually they're pretty well behaved at church, but this past Sunday Hayleah decided she wanted to test out her lungs every minute or so, Logan kept throwing himself down on the ground every time things didn't go his way (rather loudly, too), & Jordan was just very un-agreeable. Yes, I know that's not a word. ;) He was hard to get along with & pretty darn loud himself.
We managed to make it through Sacrament meeting no worse for the wear & on to class where t

I am glad that you took some time for you. We are always told to do that, but it seems we rarely do. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are amazing! Just aspire to be you.
Hi there, Shannon. Cute new header. I think I can tell you all of those things and tell the truth. :)
Anyway, I hope things go okay for Dave at work. What a pain.
Also, I'm sorry to hear that Tyler got sent home from Scout Camp. Dan and I have always been fond of him. He does have a big heart, and I believe he'll come through and be a wonderful man. Good luck with the parenting woes of now though.
Good for you on your study. I love changing my blog. I'll keep checking to see your progress on yours!
Okay where did that super cute header go. You must be trying new things. That is awesome of you to do a journal I really am not good at it that is why I started a blog. I hope that counts. That really sucks about Dave's job, I hope that things get better. BTW I do understand the whole sacrament meeting trials. We were set with 2 trained little ones then we threw another on in the mix and now it is so much more difficult to make it through. Good luck with you scripture studies, what is a great idea. Take Care!!
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