Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kudos to my little bro

My brother, Scottie, graduated from the Police Training Academy this past week. I'm so proud of him! My sister-in-law just emailed me telling me he was in the local paper, too!

He's the one in the first picture, in brown, sitting next to the blond woman. They even quoted him! :)

I've always wanted to be a police officer & I couldn't be more proud Scottie's chosen this noble profession.

Though Jordan calls him the big mean guy (he!he!) he couldn't be better suited for the job. He's such a patient & level-headed guy. He was such a little hot head when he was a gives me hope for my own little hot heads, seing how well he's turned out. :)

1 comment:

Perry Family said...

That's wonderful! Congrats!

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