Thursday, June 12, 2008

"I love women"

Logan, my baby who turns 3 in September, proudly tells my husband, Dave, yesterday that he loves women. While the initial response is a chuckle & a thought of "well that's good to know", it took a moment to understand what he really meant.

I took the kids to the Desert Breeze swimming park yesterday. What he was actually saying is he loves SWIMMING. LOL

We haven't been to a water park since last summer & he hated it that time. This time, he was so excited when he saw all the water & had a blast the entire time we were there. He only slipped under water twice, but it didn't freak him out enough to want to get out like I thought it would.

He even started jumping off the edge into the water there towards the end! At first he wouldn't do it without holding my hands, but after about 5 or 6 times of that, would jump to me without holding on to me. I could tell he got a big thrill out of it & today my arms are a bit sore from all the catching & lifting I did yesterday.

Hayleah even got in on the "jumping". Though her way of doing it consisted of her standing on the edge while holding on to my hands, bending her knees & straightening them quickly without actually catching any air, & saying the word "jump" as I pulled her down in to the water.

All the kids had a great time & I'm pretty sure they would all agree that we love women. ;o)

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