Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I set a goal this year to read 40 books & decided to track it through this blog. As of yesterday, I've read 50 books! Some of them I've read multiple times, but I wasn't counting it that way. Dave got me an iPod for Christmas last year & through audio books & the closest library, I think this year has been a record setting year. Granted a lot of the books were fluffy, but I'm still proud of actually setting & attaining a goal. Normally I stink at that kind of thing. I'm already thinking about next years goals...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Birthday girl!!

We celebrated Hayleah's 3rd birthday this week. Like every parent before me says, I can hardly believe my baby is *THREE*! Where did the time go!?

We had a small family party for her on her actual birthday (the 6th), & today we had a house full of friends come over to partay with us. This is the first time everyone invited actually came! Well, almost everyone. In all, I believe there were 12 kids. Not bad at all! :)

We played games, ate heart shaped pb&j sammies, swung on swings, slid down slides, chowed on some cherry chip cupcakes, & opened some nice gifts. I know Hayleah had a really fun time & I'm so glad everyone came!

I wish I had some pics to share, but alas... still no camera. (sadness)

Until next year...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

School for Jojo

Since implementing the warm fuzzies, things have been going remarkably well! Jo continues to try to test me, but I'm seeing an improvement in him. His feelings of not being able to do something are, more rapidly than I expected, being replaced with the confidence he was lacking in but was so deserving of.

We're using the program K12 right now. It's an online school but most of the work is not done online. I received several boxes of text books, reading books, & other material, in the beginning & our mornings are filled with accomplishing something worthwhile.

I went to a mom's meeting last week with some girls from an LDS home school group I belonged to, what seems like a lifetime ago. It was so good to be with old friends & bounce my thoughts off them & share in lots of laughter & fondue (a bonus, I know).

Next week we are headed up to Channel 3 news station for a "field trip" tour with other home schooled kids. Jo is very excited... he's hoping for some airtime. It's not what I expected his reaction to be, but I'm learning new things about him every day!

I'm loving where we're at & where we're going with this!

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