Sunday, March 7, 2010

SUPER Underwear Head Boy!

Logan, the unwittingly funny kid, had a conversation with me not long ago. He's even funnier because he doesn't know how funny he actually is.

Logan: "Mom, can I go outside?"
Me: "No, not right now."
Logan: "But I want to."
Me: "I know, but it's too cold out right now."
Logan: "But I won't be cold."
Me: "Sorry buddy, but it's too cold out right now."
Logan: "What if I put underwear on my head & socks on my hands? Can I go out then?"

After that kind show of negotiating skills, he managed to convince me. I think he would've convinced just about anyone with that arguement.

Not the best pic of him, but he wasn't interested in posing that day. I can't imagine why. LOL

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